
Showing posts from March, 2022

79 yr old female with Acute exacerbation of COPD with type 2 respiratory failure with cor pulmonale with post tuberculosis sequelae with left bronchiectasis with refractory hypotension secondary to septic shock with ventilator associated pneumonia with multi organ dysfunction syndrome on mechanical ventilation day 18 and tracheostomy tube day 8

79 yr old female came with complaints of shortness of breath, cough since 10 days HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago then she developed loss of appetite and sob which was insidious in onset (MMRC GRADE 2 TO 3), increased in supine position, not associated with wheeze, sweating and palpitations. Orthopnea PND -negative C/o cough with expectoration since 10 days which is insidious in onset, progressive, mucopurulent, yellow in colour,non blood stained and non foul smelling No c/o fever, chest pain, pedal edema, burning micturition, PND, wheeze. PAST HISTORY:     H/O COPD SINCE 5 YEARS (ON NEB SOS)    H/O PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS 40 YEARS BACK (TOOK ATT FOR 6 MONTHS)    K/C/O DIABETES MELLITUS SINCE 2 YEARS (ON REGULAR HYPOGLYCEMIC DRUGS)    H/O BIOMASS EXPOSURE FOR 40 YEARS    NOT A K/C/O HYPERTENSION, ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE FAMILY HISTORY: NO SIGNIFICANT FAMILY HISTORY PERSONAL HISTORY:  OCCUPATION: HOUSE WIFE DIET : MIXED APPETITE: LOSS OF APPETITE SINCE 10 DAYS SLEEP